Sunday, May 24, 2009

Europe through the Back Door

The Rick Steves tour guide series encourages travelers to experience "Europe through the Back Door", meaning to get off the beaten path and interact with the locals. Here are some examples of ways that we have fully experienced Europe.

Frustrated by the triangle and circle denoting bathrooms, Sam takes comfort in this universal sign.

We find a new logo for the AnCHOR Center.

Lori and Lydia change the direction of a windmill. Here's to Going Green!

Sam makes a late-night beer (piwo)run, knocking on the 18th century version of a drive-up liquor store.

5 stories in the air, after climbing through rafters, Lori emerges from the top of the windmill to enjoy the view.

Cathy makes new friends in Posnan. Gary, we met these people and struck up a conversation about our jobs. There were no citations, there were no arrests, this was just a social exchange. If we ever need a background check on a Polish person, we've got connections.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pictures.

    It would make a nice logo, but I don't think you can get that anchor in your luggage.
